Film Review ! Thanks For Your Help Friends !
Today we added the finishing touches to our movie, it was missing some transitions and some sounds, that would contribute to the opening of the movie. We tried some ideas that we had to see if it would fit in the flow of the movie. Some of our ideas worked, and some did not. Continuously, after we finished up all of our small changes, we saved our video and looked it over a few times. Each person in the group got one person to show the movie too acquire feedback from the person. We all decided to go to one our friends, and we showed it to them. Later within the day, we sent all of the critiques in our group chat, and we discussed over them. Some of the critiques we did not agree with, but some of them were mistakes that we never even realized. For example, turn down the volume on some clips, for the imbalance of sound that it contributed to the film. Another one that was noticed by one of our friends was, cutting out some clips to make the film shorter, and not putting the entire idea of the movie in the beginning. If we were to continue with our movie, overall there would've been two murders. However, since this is only the start of our movie, we decided to include only one of the two killings, so that the
idea of the movie is brought across, but the whole movie is given away with the first 2 minutes of it. After thinking and discussing about this idea, we did realize that this was in fact a smart idea and with haste we decided to make those adjustments to our film. All in all, this film review with our friends, did help us notice some simple mistakes and things that could've been better. We truly do appreciate and thank our friends for their help, within this long process!
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