And It All Ends Now !

We worked and put a-lot of time and effort into this project, form the very start. From deciding on a group with each other, to deciding a movie genre, to creating a pitch, and so much more, into a wonderful introduction of the movie! It has been a long road, but we have finally come to the end of it all. It was really fun to work together with my group into developing this. For me personally, I never knew that I could've created something of this caliber. However, with the assistance of my teachers and friends, i was able to acquire so much skills and knowledge, into the development of this wonderful movie. Moreover, after reviewal of our movie before saving it and putting it away, we did a little editing on some of the titles and things of that sort. We showed a few more people for critiques as we were nervous and we wanted to ensure that we'd get the best score possible. After doing that we came to a decision to finish it off, as we all were collectively satisfied with our product. We finished our final tasks, which included some of our blogs! We also started to engage in the completion of our CCR blogs that was due soon, we review over the necessary information of that, and just like that we are all done!



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