Title Deisgn
The opening credits of our film will be in a regular based font such as "the Georgia" font, at a bigger size. The titles will fade, and grow into our different scenes. For example, while we are in the car, in our first scene, the tiles will float and fade into the corners of the frame. This will only lasts for about 5 seconds, since it is small and short, I believe it will be enough time to read what is being shown.
Also, our titles will be in a transitional color. To better explain, in the beginning the color will start off as black, and as the film intensifies it will transition from a light red into a dark re, meaning it reaching its final destination of the entire film. This will also add guidance of the progression of the show.
The only font that I would want to have HUGE is our title of the movie, everything else I would like to keep in a regular size, so that it doesn't take away from the overall ambience of the clips that will be in the background
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