
Showing posts from February, 2022

Planning Blog (Planned Out)

Location- Our movie location will be at our group member Pedro Ribeiro's house, his house allows us to fully carry out our script for the movie and it is overall the perfect set for this movie. Additionally we will film a scene at a walmart/target. Participants- The participants of this movie will consist of our whole group of: Pedro Ribeiro, Damaine Thomson, Nicole Tarantino, and Jordyn Jackson. Another participant will be Pedro's sister who will be the camera man for certain scenes. Health/Safety- For the sake of having the most safe and protected filming environment our group decided that we will wear masks the whole time besides when filming, additionally after every filming session we will get tested for covid-19. Lastly to further ensure our safety we will have a first aid kit on the premise the whole time while filming. Schedule-  We will be filming only a few amount of times since we assume that we will get the movie done fairly quickly. our main filming dates will be: ...

The Script

CAR 1: Scene One  Box One: - Everyone in the car: *Listening to Party Rock* Approaching Walmart buying party supplies WALMART: Scene Two  Box  Two: DJ; Where do we park ? Jordyn: THERE'S A PARKING SPOT RIGHT THERE IDIOT! *Gets out of car and approaching Walmart entrance* Nicole: Dj you are in charge of laundry, Jordyn you are in charge of groceries, and Pedro you in charge of pool supplies and I'm going to get first aid kit Everyone : Alright Jordyn: : Let's get this done quickly, I'm ready to go ! - Everyone Approaching Walmart  (Nicole has a backpack, to hide killing tools)  Box  Three: Pedro: I hate y'all, y'all better be fast Everyone goes their separate ways  Box  Four:  *Split Screen* Dj - Looking killing materials Jordyn - Looking for groceries  Pedro - Looking for pool supplies  Nicole- Looking for killing supplies  Box  5: Jordyn *In a text message* : "Where y'all at, how y'all ain't done yet" Nicole calls Dj: We ...

Title Deisgn

 The opening credits of our film will be in a regular based font such as "the Georgia" font, at a bigger size. The titles will fade, and grow into our different scenes. For example, while we are in the car, in our first scene, the tiles will float and fade into the corners of the frame. This will only lasts for about 5 seconds, since it is small and short, I believe it will be enough  time to read what is being shown.  Also, our titles will be in a transitional color. To better explain, in the beginning the color will start off as black, and as the film intensifies it will transition from a light red into a dark re, meaning it reaching its final destination of the entire film. This will also add guidance of the progression of the show.  The only font that I would want to have HUGE is our title of the movie, everything else I would like to keep in a regular size, so that it doesn't take away from the overall ambience of the clips that will be in the background 

Title Design Research (Random Acts of Violence)

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences of the film? Which ones? There were 45 titles in total. These were names of the production company, who directed the film, the actors, the editing crew, etc...  2. What connotations did the images carry? (How do they make you feel) The images ae glitchy. Personally, I got uneasy. There was a lot going on it was pretty difficult to read. Especially with the music in the back, it was just a lot.  3. How is the genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is)  I wasn't able to tell what type of genre this movie was. Initially, I got something with technology because of the glitches, but it looked a lot like a Marvel film due to the music, colors, and speed. The music also builds up a lot of suspension and really keeps the viewer on their toes. The title tells me that it might be Crime related. In actuality, the film is a Horror/ Thriller.  4. Wh...

Title Deisgn Research (Muse)

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?  28 titles in total, these titles included, name of studio, name of production company, actor(s) names, film title,  music by, edited by, produced by, and directed by.  2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do they make you feel)  The connotations presented a very eerie feeling as if something was going to pop out and scare you especially since it "takes place" under water.   3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is)  While watching this title sequence, I was thinking that this movie may be horror or thriller related. After searching up the movie to find out if I was correct, I came to find out that the genre is horror/sci-fi. I understand the horror part since the movie is underwater and the brief description is saying that they dug something up and don't know what came out. The sc...

Title Design Research (Underwater)

1. How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? Which ones?  28 titles in total, these titles included, name of studio, name of production company, actor(s) names, film title,  music by, edited by, produced by, and directed by.  2. What connotations do the images carry? (how do they make you feel)  The connotations presented a very eerie feeling as if something was going to pop out and scare you especially since it "takes place" under water.   3. How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? (Can you tell what genre the film is)  While watching this title sequence, I was thinking that this movie may be horror or thriller related. After searching up the movie to find out if I was correct, I came to find out that the genre is horror/sci-fi. I understand the horror part since the movie is underwater and the brief description is saying that they dug something up and don't know what came out. The sc...