Editing, Editing and Moreeee Editing
Whew, this is definitely my least favorite part. It is so rigorous and extremely time consuming, but hey it has to get done. I started to do some simple, adding the clips to the editing software last night, but I was so tired so I stopped. Today in class, I finished all the transferring of all my clips. I started to do a little more research to better configure the format of my music video. I tried to copy a format but it really wasn't working, so I decide to do something of my own inquisitive. I started to just used my imagination for the placements of my different clips that I had. After all of that was set in place, I started to look for smooth transitions that would match the overall feel of the song, it was a pretty simple process, and all the transitions I selected were more of the simplistic origin and were not so overcrowding. Overall, I got to a good point within my editing for today and when I get home I will definitely continue to edit some more. Day 1 of editing, semi-completed !
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