Important Information For Gospel Music Video !

I will be doing a gospel music video, from the little that I've seen, gospel music videos are usually very basic, and straight to the point, rather than telling a story they usually just show the person singing a son.g. However, there were some key details that I picked out that really adds to make a video a "gospel music video" that.

There are not a lot of gospel videos, but here are some information from the few that I found 

- Most gospel music videos really don't tell a story, they are just a visual representation of the artist singing the song. There is never really an emotional connection, or anything.

- The costumes in the music videos are usually, nice dress up clothing. For men, they are usually in suits  or just regular button ups, and for females, they are typically in dresses and skirts, that they'd wear to church 

- For the setting/scenery for gospel music videos, it really depends. Most of the video that I've watched took place either in a church or in a field with a lot of grass and nature. 

- Most gospel songs typically add a motivational message at the end or the beginning of their songs, which add a really connection between the listener and the song itself 

- The shots within any gospel music videos, are usually close ups, or tracking shots. I do feel like these are necessary, because even since they are slight, they still do add to the story and the feel of the song in a way. For example, a clip of the camera following someone walking down the street, compared to a clip of someone just walking down the street, is two different feels. Following them, you can really get in depth and personal, whereas just seeing them walk, is something typical and boring   

Convention and Codes

- After watching some gospel music videos I realized that majority of them really don't tell a story, they are just a video of the person singing the song, and that is really good, but I want to tell a story behind the song, which is why I'll be doing it differently 


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